Friday 12 January 2007

First post, this could be fairly mundane for anyone who happens to stumble across this blog. I have not kept a diary or written anything of any substance for many years, good intentions and all that, neither had I ever really given much thought to blogging.

I read them, daily, always flitting from blog to blog, usually only blogs about knitting. What is it about knitting that is so obsessive, you obsess about the knitting, the not knitting, the yarn you have got, the yarn you haven't got, trawling through every yarn shop known to man and woman, books about knitting, patterns, free patterns, patterns you can buy, patterns from charity shops as old as your gran, even dreaming about knitting. I spend most days talking about knitting as well, you can not get me away from the Angel Yarns Knitting Forum, it takes up any spare time I have when not actually knitting, or reading about knitting, or browsing for more stash for my knitting.

You may be able to tell that I quite enjoy knitting, but today I realised that my obsessive knitting etc is going to be severely rationed, I was offered a new job today, I am over the moon, could not be happier, but, it means I will actually have to do some work, I do currently have a job, but the actual work bit is very thin on the ground, so I read about knitting, talk about knitting, do knitting !!! My new job will not allow me to do this, I will apparently be a "pole and hole woman", this means I will be climbing into holes in the ground and up telegraph poles ,but the unofficial title sounds much funnier !!

Anyway, back to knitting. Yesterday my lovely postman bought me a new book, yes it is about knitting. A beautiful book, filled with beautiful pictures and patterns, Victorian Lace Today, I have not let it out of my sight since it popped through the door, I have a huge problem though, which one do I do first, there are over a dozen that I would happily cast on for in a heartbeat, and those are just the ones the really like today, the list may change or even grow by tomorrow, the more I look the more i would love to do.

When I physically started to put words into this blog I could not even think of the right word to start with, I thought I would never have enough to say and after a couple of sentences I would fade away into obscurity and give it up as a bad job, I have obviously got alot more to say than even I knew, may you always know where the off button is. Right stop me now, before I get writers cramp, (or should that be writers crap). Need to play around with the bits and bobs on here now. Maybe tomorrow I may even put up a picture or two. That fooled you it appears that I put in a picture tonight, that was so easy.
The two special guests in the chair tonight are Dolly the Doll and Elfie the Elf, both knit in assorted baby dk, the doll is a take on a Jean Greenhowe pattern and the elf was in the Womans Weekly Christmas Special, both were gifts for special little people last year.
Anyway off again.


Kate said...

Whee! Welcome to blogging! :-)

Jacqui said...

welcome to the wonderful bloggosphere, an entertaining beginning, :o) when will I ever get time to do any knitting if even more people are blogging?

Magenta said...

Hi'll soon find out that blogging is as addictive as knitting!

Purplegem said...

It's just as addictive as knitting, welcome fellow blogger :)
Looking really good!

Knittings Nice! said...

Hey Roadside, see you jumped in then, only did myself the other day...but quite addictive.

Knittings Nice! said...

Ops posted under wrong account should be this one anyway have fun with your blog

Susan said...

Oh that dolly is so lovely. Well done on the knitting and the blog.